

Meaning: “There is (someone or an animal)”
This structure is used to express the existence of a person or an animal in a specific place. It indicates that a person or an animal is present in a certain location.
 ※Note: This structure is only used with verbs that indicate the existence of people and animals. For inanimate objects, “~があります” is used instead.



Noun +  がいる / がいます
 がいた / がいました
 がいない / がいません
 がいなかった / がいませんでした




      1. 🌟 公園に子供がいます。
          (こうえん に こども が います)
          There are children in the park.

      2. 🌟 教室に先生がいます。
          (きょうしつ に せんせい が います)
          There is a teacher in the classroom.

      3. 🌟 家に猫がいます。
          (いえ に ねこ が います)
          There is a cat at home.

      4. 🌟 駅に友達がいます。
          (えき に ともだち が います)
          There is a friend at the station.

      5. 🌟 庭に鳥がいます。
          (にわ に とり が います)
          There are birds in the garden.
          Có chim trong vườn.

      6. 🌟 学校に学生がいます。
          (がっこう に がくせい が います)
          There are students at school.
          Có học sinh ở trường.

      7. 🌟 家族がいます。
          (かぞく が います)
          There is a family.
          Có một gia đình.

      8. 🌟 会社に同僚がいます。
          (かいしゃ に どうりょう が います)
          There are colleagues at the company.
          Có đồng nghiệp ở công ty.

      9. 🌟 図書館に本がいます。
          (としょかん に ほん が います)
          There are books in the library.
          Có sách trong thư viện.

      10. 🌟 バス停に人がいます。
          (バスてい に ひと が います)
          There are people at the bus stop.
          Có người ở trạm xe buýt.