

Meaning: “Would you like to…?”, “How about…?”
This structure is used to suggest or invite someone to perform an action in a polite manner. It expresses a desire for the other person to participate in an activity and is commonly used in everyday conversation.
 ※Note: “~ませんか” is often used in polite situations and can create a friendly atmosphere when making suggestions or invitations.



    Verb ます (stem form) + ませんか




      1. 🌟 コーヒーを飲みませんか?
          (コーヒー を のみませんか)
          Would you like to drink coffee?

      2. 🌟 映画を見ませんか?
          (えいが を みませんか)
          Shall we watch a movie?

      3. 🌟 一緒に行きませんか?
          (いっしょに いきませんか)
          Shall we go together?

      4. 🌟 お昼ご飯を食べませんか?
          (おひるごはん を たべませんか)
          Would you like to have lunch?

      5. 🌟 散歩に行きませんか?
          (さんぽ に いきませんか)
          Shall we go for a walk?

      6. 🌟 この本を読んでみませんか?
          (この ほん を よんで みませんか)
          Would you like to try reading this book?

      7. 🌟 パーティーに参加しませんか?
          (パーティー に さんか しませんか)
          Would you like to join the party?

      8. 🌟 旅行に行きませんか?
          (りょこう に いきませんか)
          Shall we go on a trip?

      9. 🌟 もっと運動しませんか?
          (もっと うんどう しませんか)
          Would you like to exercise more?

      10. 🌟 何か質問がありませんか?
          (なにか しつもん が ありませんか)
          Do you have any questions?