

Meaning: “If (one) could…” / “If it were possible…” / “If one had the chance…”
The structure ~ものなら is used to express a wish or dream that is difficult to realize or to emphasize a situation that is almost impossible to happen. It often conveys a challenging tone, indicating that the speaker knows it is unlikely to happen but still wishes to try or dreams of achieving it.

 ・~ものなら is often used to talk about wishes that are hard to fulfill or to express a strong desire that is difficult to achieve.
 ・This structure is mainly used in spoken language and reflects the speaker’s subjective feelings, emphasizing a strong wish or an impossible condition.



Verb (potential form れる) +   ものなら
 もんなら (spoken)




      1. 🌟 行けるものなら、今すぐ行きたい。
          (いける もの なら、いま すぐ いきたい)
          If I could go, I would want to go right now.

      2. 🌟 若返れるものなら、もう一度青春をやり直したい。
          (わかがえれる もの なら、もう いちど せいしゅん を やりなおしたい)
          If I could become young again, I would like to relive my youth.

      3. 🌟 あの山に登れるものなら、登ってみたい。
          (あの やま に のぼれる もの なら、のぼって みたい)
          If I could climb that mountain, I would like to try.

      4. 🌟 戻れるものなら、あの日に戻りたい。
          (もどれる もの なら、あの ひ に もどりたい)
          If I could go back, I would want to return to that day.

      5. 🌟 何でもできるものなら、世界一周旅行がしたい。
          (なんでも できる もの なら、せかい いっしゅう りょこう が したい)
          If I could do anything, I would like to travel around the world.

      6. 🌟 飛べるものなら、空を飛びたい。
          (とべる もの なら、そら を とびたい)
          If I could fly, I would want to fly in the sky.

      7. 🌟 声が届くものなら、彼に一言伝えたい。
          (こえ が とどく もの なら、かれ に ひとこと つたえたい)
          If my voice could reach him, I would like to say a word.

      8. 🌟 夢が叶うものなら、歌手になりたい。
          (ゆめ が かなう もの なら、かしゅ に なりたい)
          If my dream could come true, I would want to become a singer.

      9. 🌟 彼女に会えるものなら、もう一度謝りたい。
          (かのじょ に あえる もの なら、もう いちど あやまりたい)
          If I could meet her, I would want to apologize one more time.

      10. 🌟 時間を戻せるものなら、やり直したい。
           (じかん を もどせる もの なら、やりなおしたい)
          If I could turn back time, I would want to start over.